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Have a pānuihia (read) about what we do and why.
Waiheke Island Toy Library is achieving more with our initiatives than ever before. We work on many exciting projects to help improve the lives of others, and are very proud of the progress we continue to make. Learn more about what we do, who we help, and how we work every day to promote positive change.

We are a Toy Library on Waiheke Island
"The more we share, the more we have." ~Leonard Nimoy
First established in 2000, we are a volunteer run incorporated society & a registered charity who provide whānau (families) on Waiheke with toys, party and specialty items for tamariki (children).
Our range is available to both locals and visitors to Waiheke Island.
Learning through Play
"Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning." ~Fred Rogers (a.k.a. Mr. Rogers)
Research shows that despite the known benefits, children today are playing less than ever.
Play contributes to a child's sense of hauora (wellbeing) and can support the development of intrapersonal skills such as self esteem, motivation, resilience, concentration, persistence and time management.
Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive and emotional strength.
Play is important to healthy brain development.
It is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact in the world around them.

Our Haerenga (journey) is one of Sustainability
Whatu ngarongaro te tangata, toitū te whenua.
(People will perish, but the land is permanent)." ~Māori proverb
When you become a member of our toy library, you are supporting our sustainability cause!
Waste reduction per whānau (in packaging and in toys purchased)
Saving perfectly working toys from going to landfill
Supporting whānau with access to more toys at lower costs
We love all the good that comes from Volunteering and Giving
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." ~Winston Churchill
When you give for the good of others, it's actually good for you, too.
While Waiheke Toy Library (very gratefully) survives off receiving the generous support of the community, sponsors and partners (shout out to you all; you know who you are), what we are really here for is the giving.
Do you know about all the benefits you receive from volunteering and giving? It not only has a positive impact on you (counteracts stress, anxiety, anger; boosts self-confidence; offers additional work experience; promotes a sense of fulfilment) but if you're a parent, it has a trickle down effect on your kids. Just ask Esther Wojcicki, educator, auther of How to Raise Successful People and mother of two CEOs and a doctor!
So go on . . . dip your toes in the world of volunteering.

Click the button below if you're keen to hire from our range.